
Showing posts from 2008

le vieux Jeremiah....

Starac Jeremija, dva dečaka i....avantura... Skice 2.kaiša, 1.table nove kraće priče, po scenariju Vladimira Markovića Loonya , nešto što će nadam se biti jedan fini dečji strip...

from the sketchbook 1

Remembering "Total", Krakov&Krakov

In the early nineties Milan Jovanovic , Branimir Trosic, Brada Milutinovic has an idea to start a comic magazine called TOTAL, a magazine which could publish complete stories of our comics. "A l' epoque",at that time, as they say it in french, I've worked together with Branimir Trosic, among the others on serial called Krakov & Krakov . Our story was: Operation Gorgonae , it was publish later in Strip Pressing(#7, 2006.) But let me get back to the point. The following cover/illustration was specially done for the cover of Total , and that was the first version, later I made another one which is better. Here is the first version above(for number 2, as far as I remeber), unfortunately Total was never published. The first episode of Krakov&Krakov was published in 1993 in Politikin Zabavnik , the authors were Milan Jovanovic and Djordje Milosavljevic . And it was bad time for everything in our country not only comic publishers, artists and so on. Recently, on ...

inking of "Debris"

I've started it, inking stage of Max Debris , but first strip is not very good so I had to redraw it. And then had to start the next comic strip, wasn't satisfied either with it, so redrawn first two strips again.This is the first "off"version... Je l'ai commencé, en encrant le stade de Max Debris, mais la première bande est pas assez bonne donc j'ai dû le redessiner. Et a ensuite dû commencer la bande dessinée suivante, n'a été satisfait aucun avec cela, ainsi redessiné d'abord deux bandes de nouveau. C'est le premier de la version...


Naslovna, prva naslovnica koju sam radio za casopis Pressing (o kome sam pisao u ranijim postovima...) Broj nastao nakon previranja i protestnih setnji 1996/97, pa je tako pomalo uz sugestije urednika nastao ovaj crtez, treba da predstavlja pandorinu kutiju promena koje su nas cekale, ili koje smo mi cekali godinama posle...

Til et le champignon du bonheur

Til i pecurka srece strip nastao pod uticajem Moebiusa, koga svi negde kopiraju sto u adolescenciji, sto u ranim dvadesetim, mnogima uzor...konkretno Til je radjen zajedno sa Vladom Vesovicem, tek na osnovu razgovora i jedne ideje/gega...ostalo je moglo da se sazme ili razvuce po zelji...Ovo je ilustracija istoimenog stripa. Dijaloge za strip je mnogo kasnije(2001, a strip je radjen 1993.)napisao Marko Stojanovic, i ta verzija je izasla u prvom broju Strip Pressinga sa par drugacijih kadrova... Ono sto me takodje vezuje za ovaj crtez su i citanja Kastanedinih knjiga, price o pejotlu isl. Postojao je jos jedan rad neposredno inspirisan Don Huanom, nazalost upropascen je...


Something a little bit older, done among dozen of images for one online illustration catalog called Foto Spring, that web site still exists. But I don't have clear information whether this drawing or any of those illustrations was ever published there.


the lack of inspiration, or real work...I am posting some really old drawing, study, material, made for the apply for inscription to the Faculty of Applied Arts, in early nineties. What is/was important here is line drawing, and the drawing basics learned from comics at that time... ref.drawing made after a photo

Stupid Tourists postcards samples

About a month ago Ivan Milosavljević and I had created two sample illustration for project called Stupid Tourist. Ivan has made logos, and colors for my basic black and white drawing made in ink. We also made some revision of initial drawing, but we didn't received any answer from potential employer. So I publish images here to present them. There is also another black and white drawing listed bellow, made for this project.

The monastery of St. Naum

Some snapshots at the monastery of St. Naum more information here
Image home...


illustrations and cartoons Pressing 92/93




Mirko &Slavko


Retro 2, Pressing

In early nineties,(1991/2-1993/4) I've started to work on comics, and illustration for magazine"Pressing", magazine for the students population in Niš. This are some of, almost all of illustrations and cartoons. Some of them I still like a lot, for example parody on popular comic in ex-YU, "Mirko&Slavko", Also there was one page where appears almost all people who work in editorial offices, except the editor at this time. This is page called Tora, where I present also graphic and production editor(passed away in 2005.)Zlatko Ristić-Paya, who's influence and help was of great importance for me at that time. Here I present those two pages: Mirko &Slavko, and Tora, published in two numbers(as far as I remember February, and June 1992.)

retro-Krakov Krakov

An illustration, for Krakov Krakov, comic serial I was working in early nineties, with both Djordje Milosavljević, and Branimir Trošić. This is only the reproduction, since the original has been very poor protected and therefore ruined very fast.

a portrait of an actress after a photo


b.d. collection


few images of my workspace, drawing table


in the office...and in between

in the office...and in between, my colleagues,so to speak, early in march this year,when this was made.

Debris, sketches, page 42.

It's been a while, a big pause between last post here, and new pages in pencils. Finally, I decide to continue with Debris, here is new layout of, so tomorrow I will redraw it on bristol. Even it is sketch, I did it more detailed then usual, just to warm up for final drawings on panel.

nešto staro, sa nečim novim...

dešava se da na nekim starim skicama, ponovo nacrtam nešto...ovaj crno beli crtež...

Poanta....pripreme table 42.



Prepravljanje prvobitnog crteža...


Ponovo sređivanje tabli, tj.kadrova...neki zbog jasnoće, i još nekih razloga nanovo prerađeni...Ovde 11.tabla, poslednji kadar aviona, ima još jedna pre ove verzije...problem pravog modela...


Tabla u pokušaju, na kraju je poslužila za krokije nekih drugih kadrova i tabli...neke likove je bilo moguće doslovno ponovo iskoristiti.

page 41. last panel, changed


modifications of pages 2, 41

Here, I made some changes on the 2. page, I have changed the expression of Lotte. Bellow, the other version on last panel of,(after my writer's suggestions) not much details. Still I like the first version of it.

max page 31. and 41.


quick small...envelope art


and new pages, done random after previous, p.29&30
