In the early nineties Milan Jovanovic , Branimir Trosic, Brada Milutinovic has an idea to start a comic magazine called TOTAL, a magazine which could publish complete stories of our comics. "A l' epoque",at that time, as they say it in french, I've worked together with Branimir Trosic, among the others on serial called Krakov & Krakov . Our story was: Operation Gorgonae , it was publish later in Strip Pressing(#7, 2006.) But let me get back to the point. The following cover/illustration was specially done for the cover of Total , and that was the first version, later I made another one which is better. Here is the first version above(for number 2, as far as I remeber), unfortunately Total was never published. The first episode of Krakov&Krakov was published in 1993 in Politikin Zabavnik , the authors were Milan Jovanovic and Djordje Milosavljevic . And it was bad time for everything in our country not only comic publishers, artists and so on. Recently, on ...